Okay, My name is Cole i'm 14 years old, iv'e been on chat for what seems like forever i always have chat opened up and i have it on max volume so i can hear it ding while playing any games whether it be shadow story skyrim or dead rising 2. Ill always have my comp on and usually when i'm asleep ill still be on the chat site, and iv'e played this server for a while, after my excessive absences i have shockingly returned after what seemed like an eternity.
My IGN is Hades... i'm usually on chat, only sometimes when i'm at school or something will my computer be off and i wont be in chat, if you are looking for something like how many hours you are in chat daily or weekly or monthly i'd have to say 5-6 daily 35-45 weekly and monthly maybe 140-150 hours monthly and ill almost always be on chat helping new players download the server or just answer common questions they ask. So i don't know what else to add to this so Express what you think...